CSR Initiatives

Free Distribution of Seed to 35,750 + farmers residing in drought prone area

The basic project objective is to provide relief to the farmer through free distribution of the self-choosen seeds, while keeping their dignity intact as professional and provinding moral support and encouragement to the farmer for less painful today and better tomorrow.

Our Work in Agriculture

Farmers Training

The programmes are designed to cover both general aspects as well as region specific aspects of farming technology. We believe, the adoption of Agricultural technology for increasing crop yield and land productivity is greatly facilitated by training and adequate dissemination of knowledge, therefore we provided training for the farmers in various verticals.


Productivity & Crop Patterns

We have been working for awareness amongst farmers regarding various crop diseases and their remedies, public undertakings for farmers, sessions for better productivity in limited stocks of water. - We also facilitate farmers with the latest technological upgradations in the field of Agriculture and thereby help the farmer to do modern farming.

Our final objective is to support the farmers to increase their productivity by providing them the latest development in agriculture. If necessary inputs like quality hybrid seeds, fertilisers, agricultural implements etc. has also been provided to limited number of the farmers under the his financial status.

In addition to this fertiliser/crop demonstrations are conducted to show the effectiveness of scientific practices to the farmers.


Govt. Subsidy and Schemes for farmer developments and benifits

We also do all possible help for farmers to get benefited by various government schemes and subsidies which will strengthen him to cope with drastic conditions or betterment in the farming practices knowledge to upgrade their farm practices and have succeeded in drastically reducing their overheads.
As mentioned in the training we also believe in implementation of the best scientific practices, therefore we further went on from training to research on soil to identify the soil type and suggest better seed and development.


Green Globe Foundation

Green Globe Foundation is well recongnised sectionate company and in education and wants to provide more facilies to Farmers and Agriculture Sector; To achieve our objective, we went in search for the expert in the field and found Dwarikalal Society will be the best fit for the our agriculture projects work for near future.

About Us

Green Globe Foundation is sectionate company working for backward and rural areas of Marathwada. Our work comprises of, 2 schools for the rural childen with govt affiliated and high recongnisition in the region. Working for all section of the society is our motto; Agriculture being backborn of the rural household, we find our self priviledge to work with farmers. For last 10+ years, we, Green Globe Foundation​ have been dedicated our services for farmers and agriculture related activities for betterment of the society. Below are the listed initiatives conducted by us.

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